Travel Croatia


RomWell Travel Advisory

10 Zagorje Commandments or
'10 Zagorskih Zapovedi'

1. Tuži bližnjeg suseda da on ne bi tebe.
Sue thy nearest neighbor, lest he sue you.

2. Ak' susedu crkne krava, ti moraš ubit dve da bi bil bolji od njega.
If thy neighbor's cow dies, kill two of yours that you may outdo him.

3. Što cešče podvaljuj pajdašu svomu, nek mu se smije cela birtija.
Whoever cheats his pal, may the whole tavern cheer him.

4. Klet ti je jedina crkva gde se spominješ imena Boga svoga uzalud.
Wine cellar is the only church where saying your Lord's name falls on deaf ears.

5. Treniraj s'aki dan što više da bi se uspel više put na dan napit i otreznit.
Practice more often every day that you may all the more frequently drink and sober up.

6. Tvoje je vino najbolje u celom Zagorju.
YOUR wine is the best in all of Zagorje.

7. Ljubi trseka svoga i svoju kumu ispod njega više neg samog sebe.
Love thy vineyard and thy godmother below him more than thyself.

8. S'aki Zagorec mora bit dobar pajdaš, muzikaš i trinkaš.
Every Zagorac must be a good buddy, a good singer, and a good drinker.

9. Seti se čovek da je Zagorec najpametnejši na svetu i nema pametnijeg od njega.
Remember that the Zagorec is the smartest in the world and that none are smarter than he is.

10. Nikad nemoj priznat da si Zagorec, jer buju sve odmah znali o tebi.
Never admit to being a Zagorec, for they will immediately know all about you.

Author Unknown

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