Travel Croatia
Croatian Language
RomWell Travel Advisory
English-Croatian Dictionary
The need for an English-Croatian dictionary in Croatia is quite old, and was first felt towards the end of the 19th century. The main people interested in learning English language were seafarers and emigrants, and the number of other people with interest was very small.
The first English-Croatian dictionary in Croatia began to be published in volumes in a small coastal town Senj in 1895, and was published until 1906, when it was printed and published as a book. It was written by Aleksandar Lochmer, an English professor in Bakar, then one of the best English speakers in Croatia.
The Croatian language is strictly phonetic South Slavic language, with every word being pronounced exactly as it is spelt, following the principle: "to write as you speak, and to speak as you write". If you keep in mind this principle, no great efforts will be required to pronounce and read Croatian language. It contains no sounds which are not found in English.
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If you're heading to Croatia for a holiday or business visit, why not learn some basic Croatian language, impress Croatians, and make your trip more enjoyable? Below you’ll find some basic Croatian language and phrases to get you started!
On the border - Na granici
Border = Granica
Custom-house = Carinarnica
Customs officer = Carinik
Welcome! = Dobrodošli!
Nationality = Državljanstvo
Residence = Prebivalište
Suitcase = Kofer
Bag = Torba
Luggage = Prtljaga
Location = Mjesto, smještaj
Currency exchange = Mjenjačnica
How much (many)? = Koliko?
Why? = Zašto?
Excuse me. = Oprostite.
I understand. = Razumijem.
I don't understand. = Ne razumijem.
Where are you from? = Odakle ste?
I can speak a little bit of Croatian. = Malo govorim Hrvatski.
Your passport, please. = Molim vas putovnicu (pasoš).
Here’s my passport. = Ovdje je moja putovnica.
What is your name? = Kako se zovete?
My name is... = Zovem se...
Have you anything to declare? = Imate li što za prijaviti?
Nothing to declare. = Nemam ništa za prijaviti.
Open this suitcase, please. = Izvolite otvoriti kofer.
What is the reason for your arrival? = Što je razlog vašeg dolaska?
I'm here as a tourist. = Ja sam tu kao turist.
I'm here on holiday = Ja sam tu na odmoru.
I'm here on a business visit = Ja sam tu na službenom putu.
How are you doing? = Kako ste?
I'm fine. = Dobro sam.
Repeat it, please. = Molim ponovite.
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