Travel Canada
RomWell Travel Advisory
Haida Gwaii
Also Known as the Queen Charlotte Islands
Unique indigenous culture and stunning beauty
This remote chain of 150 islands on the edge of British Columbia are great destination for travelers who want to unplug and unwind. So, don't expect your cell phone to have connection or to have a tech retreat. Instead open your mind, explore the natural surroundings, learn about the history, art and culture of the Haida people whose ancestors have made these gorgeous lands and waters their home for at least 13 millennia.
Centuries old totem poles stand in the remains of the Haida Nation village known as SGang Gwaay Llnagaay. Each of the cedar poles once held a box with the remains of an important community member.
Haida Gwaii comprises area of 10,180 km² of the wild beauty with mountains and temperate rainforest, and has a population of about 4,700.