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Halloween Tips

Halloween Tips

When selecting a costume, choose bright, reflective costumes for your kids or add strips of reflective tape so they will be more visible by drivers. Also, have your kids use flashlights or glow sticks to help them see and be seen.

Kids under the age of 12 should not be trick-or-treating alone at night without adult supervision. If children are mature enough to be out without supervision, remind them to stick to familiar, well lit areas, and never enter a home or car for a treat. Mature children should trick-or-treat in groups and should have specific time when they should return home. Parents or guardians should be aware of the route that their children plan to follow.

Teach children to always walk on sidewalks or paths and make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. If there are no sidewalks, children should walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. Remind your kids to never dart out into the street or cross between parked cars.

Parents should remind children to watch for cars that are turning or backing up and cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks if possible.

Teach your children to stay away from animals they are not familiar with and never cut across yards or use alleys.

Children should be instructed to never stop at dark houses or accept rides from strangers.

Discuss with your children what they should do in case of emergency and how to recognize the places along their route where they can obtain help like Police Station, Fire Station or any other well indicated public place.

Warn children not to eat any of their treats before they get home.

All Halloween treats should be inspected and treats with open packaging or torn wrappers should be discarded.

More Halloween Tips

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