Innovative Strategies - Kids Lose Pounds, Gain Fitness, in Houston Study

Lose Pounds

Children taking an intensive, instructor-led weight control course had significantly greater weight loss than did children in a self-taught program, according to preliminary results from ARS-funded studies.

Innovative, kid-friendly strategies for losing weight and gaining nutrition savvy—plus physical fitness skills—are emerging from scientific studies funded by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS).

For example, investigators Craig A. Johnston, John P. Foreyt and Chermaine Tyler and their colleagues are building upon one of their earlier studies in which many of their Texas middle-school participants achieved weight-management success. The volunteers were primarily Hispanic children who were either overweight or at risk of becoming so.

The researchers are with the ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, where Johnston and Tyler are instructors in nutrition and Foreyt is a professor of medicine.

Statistics that the scientists reported for the 6-month study were based on 57 overweight kids who were assigned to either a self-taught and parent-taught program, or, instead, an intensive, instructor-led regimen.

For instance, once a week for the first 3 months of the investigation, kids in the self-taught group spent time in study hall reading a self-help weight-management textbook for youngsters. Meanwhile, their peers in the instructor-led team spent four class periods a week outdoors, improving their physical fitness, with a fifth session each week—indoors—learning about nutrition, healthy eating, and behavior-change skills essential for living an active lifestyle and making healthful food choices.

When evaluated at the end of the 6-month study, kids in the intensive, instructor-led course had significantly greater weight loss as well as greater "physical quality of life"—as measured by their answers to a standard questionnaire—than did the kids in the self-taught program. What's more, one and two years later, youngsters in the instructor-led team had significantly greater decreases in their body mass index, or BMI, than did the self-taught youngsters.

These preliminary results suggest that a school-based weight-management program might be effective in reaching large numbers of kids, according to the scientists. They published their findings in the journal Obesity in 2009 and in Pediatrics in 2007.

Read more about this research in the March 2010 Agricultural Research magazine special issue on preventing childhood obesity.

ARS is the chief intramural scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Houston research helps improve children's nutrition and health, a USDA top priority.

By Marcia Wood March 1, 2010.


More than 16 percent of children and adolescents in the United States are overweight–a doubling of the estimated incidence of overweight among children and a tripling of the rate among adolescents in the past two decades.

According to the scientists, only 3 percent of the kids' meals met seven key standards set by the National School Lunch Program for meals intended for children in kindergarten through third grade.

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Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a lot more delicious than you may have thought...

Did You Know?

Most of us know that certain foods can be bad for our health, but did you know that certain foods may alleviate the symptoms of common health disorders like arthritis or diabetes?

A fundamental factor to managing diabetes is diet. For diabetes you should have balanced diet low in fat and sugar. Enjoy fresh green vegetables and food high in fibre.

Arthritis is associated with more than hundred types of disorders. It is characterized by joint inflammation, stiffness, swelling and pain. Anti-inflammatory foods may help ease the pain and stiffness. Cut down on foods containing animal fats and eat plenty of fish. Also try to enjoy fresh green and yellow vegetables and food high in vitamin C. We also recommend diet high in fibre like whole grains and nuts and other high-fibre low calorie food to help control weight.

To counter the effects of hypertension (high blood pressure), eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, low in fat and high-fibre foods. Cut down on: smoked meat, processed meat, canned and processed foods, added salt and fatty foods.

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