Great Craft Projects

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Moss Ring Centerpiece

Moss Ring Centerpiece


  • Country blue wired paper ribbon (or any other ribbon you desire).
  • Straw wreath, 16" diameter
  • 2 dried hydrangea blooms
  • 6 pieces isolepsis
  • 7 mini pine cones
  • 15 pieces ting ting
  • 4 springs springerii
  • 2 pieces bark
  • 2 twigs, 10-12" long (purchased or from a tree in your yard)
  • 3 twigs, 4-6" long (purchased or from a tree in your yard)
  • 3 to 4 sprigs white tallow berries
  • Moss assortment (or pieces of reindeer moss, chartreuse moss, mood moss, and black lichen to cover wreath).
  • 18 assorted pods on pick (including 3 pods dried okra, 2 dried lotus pods, 2 trumpet pods, 4 curly protea flat, and others of your choice).
  • 10 to 12 wood picks, 2" long
  • Fern pins
  • Floral wire
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks


1. Cover wreath with pieces of different mosses, using fern pins to hold mosses to wreath. Note: Do not remove green plastic from wreath.

2. Attach wood picks to all twigs with wire. Insert longer twigs together on one side of wreath. Across wreath, on other side, insert shorter twigs.

3. Trim isolepsis with scissors, leaving a few tall ends on each piece, cutting the others to 5". Divide in half. Attach a wood pick to each group. Insert one pick near each group of twigs.

4. Cut some 4" pieces ting ting. Attach a wood pick to one end and insert near tall twigs.

5. Divide remaining ting ting into 2 bunches with about 7 pieces in each bunch. Bend each bunch in half and secure with a wire few inches from the ends. Place one bunch to right of shorter twigs, among mosses. Place second bunch halfway between groups of twigs, on right side of wreath.

6. Next to longer twigs, insert 3 okra pods, 1 trumpet pod, 2 curly protea flat, and 2 other pods of your choice.

7. Next to shorter twigs, insert 1 okra pod, 2 curly protea flat, 1 lotus pod and one other pod of your choice.

8. Group remaining lotus pod and other pods on right side of wreath.

9. Snip hydrangea blossoms and white tallow berries into smaller pieces and hot glue around wreath among mosses and pods.

10. Glue mini pine cones and bark pieces around pods, filling empty spaces.

11. Cut sprigs of springerii and add to arrangements of pods.

12. Cut 5 pieces of ribbon, each 6" long. Make Paper Flowers according to general instructions. Attach a 2" wood pick to each paper flower. Looking at picture of wreath, insert one paper flower to left of grouping with shorter twigs (at 7 o'clock). Insert a a second flower at 9 o'clock, a third at 11:30, and two at 5 o'clock.

13. Cut 2 pieces ribbon, each 15" long. Attach a wood pick to each end. Place ribbons so they trail along sides of wreath, inserting ends near groupings of twigs and pods, curving the ribbons among flowers and foliage, using illustration as a guide.

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