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Take the Quiz

Do you want to make sure you're buying the right foods for a heart healthy diet?


Did you know that vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals essential for health, as well as antioxidants (which protect your cells from damage)? They are the bedrock of a healthy diet and linked to better health of the carotid arteries (arteries in your neck). Vegetables are good sources of fiber and an important part of heart healthy diet. How heart healthy is your shopping now?

Take this quiz and find out!

1. Do fruit and vegetables account for at least 25% of the food items on your shopping list?
2. On average, do whole grain products (breads, pasta, rice, cereals) make up at least 15% of the food items on your shopping list?
3. When you buy dairy products, do you choose lower-fat varieties?
4. When you buy meat, do you select lean cuts and smaller portions?
5. When you do buy processed foods, do you read labels and choose items where the sodium content is lower?
6. When you buy spread or margarine, do you choose one that is soft, non-hydrogenated and low in saturated fat?
7. When comparing similar foods, do you read the labels?
8. When you buy foods, do you choose unprocessed or minimally processed foods?
9. When eating out or buying food, do you keep an eye on salt content?
10. How often do you purchase legumes, beans, or organic tofu?

Discover where you can make improvements, take a close look at the questions to which you answered Newer, Seldom, and Sometimes. These are the areas where you can make changes for the better.

If you answered Often or Always to any questions, congratulations! You already have some heart healthier shopping routines.

"Evidence is mounting that the development of cardiovascular disease begins very early in life! Remember, every small step counts!"

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Trans Fats: "AVOID"

Trans fatty acids, also known as trans fats are the worst type of dietary fats. They raise the total cholesterol and LDL "bad" cholesterol level of the blood more than any other food in the diet. They also have a negative impact on the body. Trans fats are found in most margarines, shortenings, some packaged cookies, crackers, snack foods, pastries, muffins, breaded and fried chicken and fish. On food label ingredient lists, this manufactured substance is typically listed as "partially or fully hydrogenated oil".