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Walking, Hiking & Backpacking Books & Guides

Walking, Hiking and Backpacking may produce threats to personal safety. These threats sometimes can be very dangerous. It is good idea to research area and other circumstances before your hiking, walking or backpacking and/or specific accidents or ailments.

Dangerous circumstances may include losing the way, inclement weather, hazardous terrain, or exacerbation of pre-existing medical conditions. Specific accidents include metabolic imbalances (such as dehydrationhypothermia), topical injuries (such as frostbite or sunburn), attacks by animals, or other internal or external injuries.

Get familiar with all behavioral prescriptions before you take any activity to minimize these threats. 

Check our Sports & Outdoors Guide if you like adventure, sports and outdoors. Find interesting info, from incredible ecotourism adventures under the northern lights, caving, boating, golfing, hiking, biking, camping to fishing and more... It is a good place to start your research and discover more info from provided links.

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