Cooking With Herbs & Spices

Basil Italian dishes, tomato dishes, egg dishes, stews, soups, salads, sauces, stuffing, fish, poultry, potatoes
Bay leaves Meat dishes, tomato dishes, fish, stews, soups, pot roasts, sauces
Cayenne Stews, sauces, salad dressings, cheese dishes, meats, fish, Mexican and Asian dishes
Chili powder Stews, chili, Mexican dishes, tomato sauces, soups
Cinnamon Fruit pies, French toast, fruit and fruit salads, pumpkin, squash, puddings, apple desserts, ham, apple sauce, cakes, cookies, coffee, some meat dishes
Cumin Soups, stews, curries, Mexican, Middle Eastern and Asian dishes, chili
Curry Casseroles, egg dishes, cheese dishes, meat dishes, sauces, marinades, lamb, chicken, rice dishes, Indian and Oriental dishes
Garlic & garlic powder Fish, meat, poultry, potatoes, vegatables, sauces, salads
Nutmeg Cooked fruits, pies, desserts, baked items, eggnog, French toast, cakes, gingerbread
Oregano Chili, Italian dishes, omelets, beef stew, meatloaf, pork, vegetables like brocolli or stewed tomatoes, stuffing, sauces, pizza, casseroles, soups
Paprika Ground meat, fish, salad dressings, soups, meat dishes, sausages, stews, sauces, veal, chicken, tomatoes, stuffing, potato dishes
Parsley Soups, vegetable dishes, eggs, stews, meat, dishes, fish, sauces,salads, garnish
Poultry seasoning Poultry dishes, summer squash, stews
Pumpkin pie spice In sauce for pork, French toast, yellow vegetables, pumpkin pie (pumpkin pie spice is a mixture of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and ginger)
Saffron Italian dishes, risotto, Croatian dishes, rice, Asian, and Spanish dishes

Real Cooking

Did You Know?
Store your seasonings in plastic bags, glass jars or stainless steel containers, not in paper or cardboard in order to keep them fresh longer.

Keep your seasonings in a cool, dry place out of sunlight. Do not keep over the range or near heat.

Refrigerate or freeze your seasonings to keep them fresh longer.

Do your seasonings still have flavor? For whole species, crush a small amount and sniff to see if it smells fresh. Check ground seasonings every 6 months. Sniff to see if they smell fresh.

When buying seasonings, buy small amounts in the "bulk" section of the grocery stores or buy seasoning packed in plastic containers or plastic bags and transfer them to an airtight container. Put a label with date on the seasoning and store in a cool place.

When using seasoning always start with a small amount. You can always add more if needed, but you can not remove it.