Food Dehydrators

With modern food dehydrators food can be easy dried all-year-round at home. Dehydrator provides automatically controlled heat and ventilation and drying generally takes less effort than oven drying, and it is less expensive.

The price of commercial dryers varies greatly depending on the features they have like: size, type of heating element and other special features. Most households will not need a commercial size food dehydrators unless they dry large quantities of food.

Check our online store, your local hardware store, farm supply, department store, health food stores or other catalogs. 

When using food dehydrators it is important to follow manufacturers instructions for drying. The manufacturer's direction book usually contains specifications about the amount of food that can be dried at one time.The major disadvantage of a dehydrator is its limited capacity. 

You can build your own food dehydrator. It could save you money; you can build dehydrator that suits your needs for capacity, but  the design is not as efficient as commercial dehydrators. 

There are two basic types of food dehydrators:

Horizontal - Dehydrator with horizontal air flow has heating element and fan located on the side of the unit. The major advantage is that several different foods can be dried at one time, flavors can't mix, all trays receive equal heat penetration; and juices or liquids do not drip down into the heating element. 

Vertical - Dehydrator with vertical air flow have the heating element and fan located at the base. If different foods are dried, flavors can mix and liquids can drip into the heating element. 

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Did You Know?
For centuries, much of the European diet depended on dried cod, known as salt cod or bacalhau (with salt) or stockfish (without). It formed the main protein source for the slaves on the West Indian plantations, and was a major economic force within the triangular trade. Dried shark meat, known as Hákarl, is a delicacy in Iceland.
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According to the most dietary guidelines, nutrient needs should be met primarily through consuming foods. Foods provide an array of nutrients and other compounds that may have beneficial effects on health. In certain cases, fortified foods and dietary supplements may be useful sources of one or more nutrients that otherwise might be consumed in less than recommended amounts. However, dietary supplements, while recommended in some cases, cannot replace a regular healthful diet. FREE Recipes