Cooking Glossary


Farina: Cream of wheat.

Fava/broad beans: Favas as a green vegetable are popular in Europe. In Britain and Holland they are called 'broad beans' and grown as a summer crop, planted in early spring. In Italy they are planted in fall and harvested in January, and also planted in January and eaten in April and May. They come in various sizes, but in general they are large and flat.

Feijoa: A waxy green fruit about 3" long. Although it is not a guava you may know it as a Pineapple Guava. Feijoa sellowiana is an evergreen shrub, growing to 10-16 ft. It thrives in subtropical regions but is hardy & once established will tolerate moderate frosts. They are either eaten raw (with or without the skin) or made into jellies, sauces & chutneys.

Filberts: Also called hazelnuts.

Fillet: Long thin boneless strip of meat or fish.

Five spice powder: It is a blend of star anise, cinnamon, cloves, fennel & Szechwan pepper. It is used in Chinese cooking.

Flake: To separate into flaky pieces with fingers or fork. Usually used in reference to cooked fish.

Flambé or Flambe: A procedure in which alcohol (ethanol) is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames. The word means flamed in French. It is typically done to create an impressive visual presentation at a dramatic point in the preparation of a meal. Rum, cognac, or other flavorful liqueurs are considered ideal.

Flameproof: Cookware that can be used directly on a burner or under a broiler without damage.

Flute: To seal and make an attractive edge on a pie by pinching the dough all around the rim.

Fold In: To cut down through the center of a batter to the bottom with the edge of a spatula, and to lift the bottom to the top, repeating until foods are blended properly.

Fondant: Fondant is the foundation cream out of which bonbons and various other fancy candies are made. It is also used for stuffing dates, taking the place of the pit. While it is not so desirable for the centers of chocolate creams as for most of the other candies for which it is used, it can, of course, be coated with chocolate if desired.

Frost: To cover with icing.

Frying: A method of cooking food in deep fat at a temperature of 350 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Any kind of fat that will not impart flavor to the food may be used for frying, but the vegetable oils are preferable to lards and other animal fats, because they are healthier and they do not burn so easily. Foods cooked in deep fat will not absorb large amount of fat nor become very greasy if they are properly prepared, quickly fried, and well drained on paper that will absorb any extra fat.

Cooking Glossary